The Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Center, one of the most prestigious arbitration centers in Brazil, is sponsoring an international paper contest open to foreign students. Registration is available until May 15.
The texts submitted are to be short, from 20 to 30 pages in length, and may be sent in English, French and Spanish, addressing a topic freely chosen by the applicant as long as it is pertinent to the focus "New legislations and new regulations: a new arbitration practice?".
The best papers – by law students and attorneys – will win awards and also be published in a book to be widely circulated along with major arbitration names, thus lending renown and recognition to the future arbiters, attorneys, and thinkers of the arbitration phenomenon.
Papers may be submitted by May 15, 2013.
Information is available at and
1 – The Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Center, the event's sponsor, the Arbitration Students' Association (ABEArb), the OAB-RS Special Arbitration Committee, and the other sponsors are inviting law students and attorneys graduated since 2010 to submit papers to the 2nd GUIDO FERNANDO SILVA SOARES SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PAPER CONTEST on the theme "New legislations and new regulations: a new arbitration practice?"
1.1 The 2 (two) best papers in the law student and young attorney categories will receive awards.
2. - The main award is the publication of the 2 (two) best papers in each category in an electronic collective book sponsored by CAM/CCBC to be globally circulated and disseminated, also including articles by Scientific Committee members and special guests.
2.1 The following will be equally distinguished and honored with an honorable mention and participation in the awards ceremony:
a) Law firms;
b) Higher Education Institutions;
c) Advising professors.
To be eligible for the distinction, the aforementioned entities must have at least 5 (five) papers submitted in any of the categories. Papers must meet the minimum requirements set by the regulations to qualify and compete for the distinction.
2.2 – The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish, and the participation of non-Brazilian students and young attorneys is allowed.
2.3 – Foreign entrants are recommended, albeit not required, to cite books by Professor Guido Soares, even if indirectly so. Entrants addressing International Law topics are exempted from such recommendation.
3 – Submission period:
Papers may be submitted from January 30 to May 15, 2013.
Registration is open to law students regardless of the semester they are in and attorneys graduated since January 2010.
3.1 – Papers must be original and unpublished, and authors will be accountable for the authorship of their papers. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed. In the event plagiarism and self-plagiarism are detected, the respective papers will be disqualified.
3.2 – Papers by two authors are allowed, but entrants may submit only one paper.
Registration implies acceptance of all the rules in this notice.
4 – Paper style
4.1 – Papers must be submitted in the form of a scientific article and contain a total of 20 to 30 pages, including references. Citations are to be made in footnotes, mentioning the main data from the text used and comments related to the main text. The font to be used is Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 (one point five) line spacing
4.2 – The style is only to be guided in a subsidiary manner by the general standards contained in ABNT/CB-14, NBR 6023:2002 and NBR 10520:2002; nevertheless, the scientific paper format will suffice, containing: title, summary, abstracts in the respective language of the paper and English, introduction, development, conclusion, and references.
4.3 – The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish, and must look deeper into the topic chosen by the entrants themselves, as long as it pertains to the theme of the contest and the recommended references. The occasional insertion of historic and legislative elements must be directly related to the scope of the paper. Higher scores will be given to papers capable of proposing practical issues related to arbitration, and the choice of the topic is therefore absolutely free.
4.4 – The papers must be sent in exclusively via postal services by May 15, 2013 (mailing date) to the CCBC CAM main offices using three envelopes:
Envelope 1 – Containing the registration form, the entrant's résumé (five lines at the most, one-line spacing, font 12) and regular copy of documents substantiating one's status as a law student or graduation since January 2010. The envelope must be sealed and outwardly identified with the number 1 and the entrant's pen name.
Envelope 2 – Must carry only a CD containing the paper submitted in PDF format. No element that may identify the entrant may be contained on the envelope, the electronic file and the CD, under penalty of immediate disqualification. The envelope must be outwardly sealed and identified with the number 2 and the entrant's pen name.
Envelope 3: Must be sent to the brick-and-mortar address of the CCBC Arbitration Center naming the addressee as CONCURSO DE MONOGRAFIAS GUIDO FS SOARES. The sender must be identified using the pen name chosen by the entrant. Envelopes 1 and 2 must be inserted into this envelope separately from one another.
Address model (mailing by May 15, 2013):
Concurso de Monografias Guido FS Soares
Centro de Arbitragem da Câmara Brasil-Canadá
Rua do Rócio, 220 - 12 andar - cj. 121
04552-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
v - da seleção das monografias
5.1 Papers will be analyzed by Scientific Committee members appointed by the Conference organizers for purposes of selecting the best papers. If need be, the texts will be pre-selected and then the ones occasionally meriting awards or an honorable mention will be defined.
As part of their duties, the Scientific Committee will consider:
5.1.1 – Proper use of the language chosen.
5.1.2 – Clear, objective text.
5.1.3 – Use of the recommended references and their connection to the text.
5.1.4 – Research and use of sources recognized by the academic community.
5.1.5 – Pertinence of the topic to the proposed theme and recommended references.
5.1.6 – Current relevance of the topic chosen and depth of the approaches developed.
5.2 – The Scientific Committee is staffed by Brazilian and foreign arbitration professors, attorneys, and experts.
5.3 – If upon examining the papers, Scientific Committee members feel they should recuse themselves for recognizing the text may have been written by someone they know, they must immediately notify the Conference coordinators so they can be promptly replaced. Committee members are expressly barred from advising on papers.
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Silva da Silva
Coordinator of the 2nd Guido Fernando Silva Soares Conference
1 – The Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Center, the event's sponsor, the Arbitration Students' Association (ABEArb), the OAB-RS Special Arbitration Committee, and the other sponsors are inviting law students and attorneys graduated since 2010 to submit papers to the 2nd GUIDO FERNANDO SILVA SOARES SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PAPER CONTEST on the theme "New legislations and new regulations: a new arbitration practice?"
1.1 The 2 (two) best papers in the law student and young attorney categories will receive awards.
2. - The main award is the publication of the 2 (two) best papers in each category in an electronic collective book sponsored by CAM/CCBC to be globally circulated and disseminated, also including articles by Scientific Committee members and special guests.
2.1 The following will be equally distinguished and honored with an honorable mention and participation in the awards ceremony:
a) Law firms;
b) Higher Education Institutions;
c) Advising professors.
To be eligible for the distinction, the aforementioned entities must have at least 5 (five) papers submitted in any of the categories. Papers must meet the minimum requirements set by the regulations to qualify and compete for the distinction.
2.2 – The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish, and the participation of non-Brazilian students and young attorneys is allowed.
2.3 – Foreign entrants are recommended, albeit not required, to cite books by Professor Guido Soares, even if indirectly so. Entrants addressing International Law topics are exempted from such recommendation.
3 – Submission period:
Papers may be submitted from January 30 to May 15, 2013.
Registration is open to law students regardless of the semester they are in and attorneys graduated since January 2010.
3.1 – Papers must be original and unpublished, and authors will be accountable for the authorship of their papers. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed. In the event plagiarism and self-plagiarism are detected, the respective papers will be disqualified.
3.2 – Papers by two authors are allowed, but entrants may submit only one paper.
Registration implies acceptance of all the rules in this notice.
4 – Paper style
4.1 – Papers must be submitted in the form of a scientific article and contain a total of 20 to 30 pages, including references. Citations are to be made in footnotes, mentioning the main data from the text used and comments related to the main text. The font to be used is Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 (one point five) line spacing
4.2 – The style is only to be guided in a subsidiary manner by the general standards contained in ABNT/CB-14, NBR 6023:2002 and NBR 10520:2002; nevertheless, the scientific paper format will suffice, containing: title, summary, abstracts in the respective language of the paper and English, introduction, development, conclusion, and references.
4.3 – The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish, and must look deeper into the topic chosen by the entrants themselves, as long as it pertains to the theme of the contest and the recommended references. The occasional insertion of historic and legislative elements must be directly related to the scope of the paper. Higher scores will be given to papers capable of proposing practical issues related to arbitration, and the choice of the topic is therefore absolutely free.
4.4 – The papers must be sent in exclusively via postal services by May 15, 2013 (mailing date) to the CCBC CAM main offices using three envelopes:
Envelope 1 – Containing the registration form, the entrant's résumé (five lines at the most, one-line spacing, font 12) and regular copy of documents substantiating one's status as a law student or graduation since January 2010. The envelope must be sealed and outwardly identified with the number 1 and the entrant's pen name.
Envelope 2 – Must carry only a CD containing the paper submitted in PDF format. No element that may identify the entrant may be contained on the envelope, the electronic file and the CD, under penalty of immediate disqualification. The envelope must be outwardly sealed and identified with the number 2 and the entrant's pen name.
Envelope 3: Must be sent to the brick-and-mortar address of the CCBC Arbitration Center naming the addressee as CONCURSO DE MONOGRAFIAS GUIDO FS SOARES. The sender must be identified using the pen name chosen by the entrant. Envelopes 1 and 2 must be inserted into this envelope separately from one another.
Address model (mailing by May 15, 2013):
Concurso de Monografias Guido FS Soares
Centro de Arbitragem da Câmara Brasil-Canadá
Rua do Rócio, 220 - 12 andar - cj. 121
04552-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
v - da seleção das monografias
5.1 Papers will be analyzed by Scientific Committee members appointed by the Conference organizers for purposes of selecting the best papers. If need be, the texts will be pre-selected and then the ones occasionally meriting awards or an honorable mention will be defined.
As part of their duties, the Scientific Committee will consider:
5.1.1 – Proper use of the language chosen.
5.1.2 – Clear, objective text.
5.1.3 – Use of the recommended references and their connection to the text.
5.1.4 – Research and use of sources recognized by the academic community.
5.1.5 – Pertinence of the topic to the proposed theme and recommended references.
5.1.6 – Current relevance of the topic chosen and depth of the approaches developed.
5.2 – The Scientific Committee is staffed by Brazilian and foreign arbitration professors, attorneys, and experts.
5.3 – If upon examining the papers, Scientific Committee members feel they should recuse themselves for recognizing the text may have been written by someone they know, they must immediately notify the Conference coordinators so they can be promptly replaced. Committee members are expressly barred from advising on papers.
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Silva da Silva
Coordinator of the 2nd Guido Fernando Silva Soares Conference
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